's bl.aagh

BSD, Ruby, Rust, Rambling


Rust-style monotonic clocks in Ruby

[ruby] [rust]

Monotime offers an alternative to the typical method of monotonic timekeeping in Ruby:

# Bog standard Ruby
start = Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
elapsed = Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC) - start

# With monotime
require 'monotime'
include Monotime

start =
elapsed = start.elapsed

# or
elapsed = Duration.measure { do_something }

It’s less fiddly, and uses proper types wrapping elapsed times in nanoseconds, which is about as close to the native representations as Ruby gets.

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Micro-Optimising in JRuby

Calling Java from JRuby for fun and profit

[ruby] [jruby] [java]

One of the neatest bits of JRuby is the simple way you can call out to Java. There’s a lot of Java out there, and you can wrap it up in nice little Ruby interfaces with just a few lines of code.

Let’s illustrate with some trivial examples, hooking up bits of Java to Ruby and seeing how well they perform compared to the equivalent pure Ruby.

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Password Generation in Ruby and Rust

Writing the same small program in two different languages.

[ruby] [rust]

I’ve been doing a fair bit of Rust lately. Honestly, I haven’t been so smitten with a language since I started writing Ruby back in 1999.

Rust is many of the things Ruby isn’t—precompiled, screaming fast, meticulously efficient, static, explicit, type-safe. But it’s also expressive and, above all, fun. I think this rare mix makes it a good companion language for Ruby developers, particularly with things like Helix and rutie making it easy to bridge the two.

The best way of learning is by doing, so why not avoid that and just read about me doing something instead?

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Ruby command runner with resource limits


Comlim is a command builder for Ruby focusing on an easy interface to restricted execution—limiting memory, runtime, and command output.

Runner = Comlim.memory(32.megabytes)

RubyRunner = Runner.command('ruby').arg('-e')
RubyRunner.arg('loop { }').execute # killed after 30 seconds
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Blooming Ruby

Prototypical BitArray and BloomFilter library


Yet another Ruby bloom filter, and a new bit array implementation, including a speedy JRuby-specific version.

This was extracted from an experiment in leaked password list processing, before I moved on to Golomb Compressed Sets, and might be worth extracting into a proper gem at some point.

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Help keep FreeBSD tidy

[ruby] [bsd]

A small Ruby script for helping deal with cruft on pkgng-based systems like FreeBSD.

Perhaps most interesting is the implementation of checkrestart, a feature similar to the Debian-goodies program of the same name, which can find running processes which may need restarting following an upgrade.

# pkg-cruft checkrestart
[MISSING EXECUTABLE] (tmux-2.7)? running as 17319 (tmux)
[MISSING EXECUTABLE] (zsh-5.5.1)? running as 20115 (zsh)
[MISSING EXECUTABLE] (weechat-2.2)? running as 36747 (weechat)
/usr/local/bin/mosh-server (mosh-1.3.2_4) running as 53815 (mosh-server)
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A jittery Enumerable retry and backoff library


Reattempt is a simple application of Ruby’s Enumerators to provide a nice idiomatic interface to retries. At its most basic:

begin do
rescue Reattempt::RetriesExceeded => e
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gcstool / ruby-gcs

Efficient set membership with Golomb Compressed Sets

[rust] [ruby]

Similar to Bloom Filters, Golomb Compressed sets allow for space-efficient probablistic storage of sets. In other words, you can ask a GCS if it’s seen an object, and retrieve either “absolutely not” or “probably not” in response.

gcstool was my first Rust project, developed primarily to play about with the pwned-passwords-2.0.txt database. It can store all half a billion items with a false-positive rate of 1-in-50 million in just 1.6GB, importing them in just a few minutes, though with fairly high memory requirements.

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High performance multithreaded Find redux


Following the development of FastFind, I wanted to make something with a more pleasing API and better internal design.

The result is interesting, but still in need of work before I’d consider it for production use.

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High performance multithreaded Find


FastFind is a drop-in replacement for the standard library Find package.

I wrote this for FreshBSD, to speed up scanning CVS repositories - walking 300,000 files takes a while, especially with an API that basically forces you to File.stat twice for each one.

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💾 Scandisk Disk Price List

[ruby] [web]

Sick of being a pain in the ass to browse for this sort of thing, I wrote a scraper and frontend to browse available storage devices and their prices.

Unauthorised, unofficial, and unsupported.


BSD Commit Log Search

[ruby] [bsd] [web]

A search engine/viewer for source code commits, focused on projects of interest to the BSD community.

Currently into its fourth rewrite, backed by Elasticsearch, PostgreSQL and Redis, with the site itself running on JRuby and Roda, making use of concurrent-ruby to parallelise data retrieval and inserts.

Previous versions have used Rails, Sinatra, Padrino, Solr, MySQL, and memcached.


PHP's serialize()/unserialize() in Ruby

[ruby] [php]

Many, many years ago, I wrote this for unclear reasons. I don’t think I actually used it for anything. It implements the PHP serialize() and unserialize() functions in Ruby, allowing you to read/write PHP sessions and otherwise share objects between the two.

Now the various forks of it have nearly half a million downloads between them. php-serialize is the “official” version, with nearly half of those.

The exact incept date is uncertain, the earliest mention of it a quick search finds is ruby-talk:73669, 2003-06-16.